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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Toothless with Widely Spaced Eyes

Toby the Welsh Corgi - picture by Lauren Sturman

Scott Sturman

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616)

For decades the liberal media has done a masterful job of portraying conservatives as heartless bigots or filthy rich connivers who made their fortunes on the backs of the poor. People of religious conviction have been targeted as unsophisticated, naïve, and intellectually impaired. These stereotypes have served as a tool to delude the public and to dehumanize sincere, thoughtful citizens who do not agree with the leftist agenda.

Conservatives have little in common with old money plutocrats who serve as the liberals' manufactured face of the typical conservative. They are far from the ogres depicted by the media and are more apt not to be involved in politics, leave the matter of governance to others, and spend their lives dealing with family and business matters. They have much in common with the so called “Greatest Generation” who served in the military, achieved success by hard work rather than inheritance, and understood that welfare entitlements are a band aide that exacerbate significant social problems.

On face value the liberal credo sounds convincing: equality for all, care for society's unfortunate, and reverence for the environment. These tenets are the responsibility of government where resources are pooled for the greater good and the manner of distribution is determined by wise politicians and public sector employees. To do otherwise would leave the pinnings of society in the hands of individuals and organizations who lack the necessary insight, skill, and philosophical purity.

Conversely, the conservative message is not as outwardly appealing. It exposes its adherents to an element of risk, where success or failure is determined by talent, personal responsibility and individual freedom. It offers a sustainable polity, where fiscal prudence, self reliance, and the value of work is rewarded.

In a perfect world liberalism would be the ideal form of government. This world has never existed, and all Utopian communities have failed under the weight of individualism and internal corruption.

For too long conservatives have left the playing field to social activists and Pollyannas who have attempted to construct a world free of risk where everyone equally enjoys the fruits of their neighbor's labor. Times are changing. Grassroots conservatives are no longer willing to leave the rule of the land to elitists and professional politicians. As much as the liberal media would like us to believe conservatives are toothless with widely spaced eyes, live deep in the woods, and marry their relatives, these ploys are passe. The liberal message is deeply flawed and can no longer be obfuscated by labeling it critics as subhuman and incapable of thought.

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