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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Noblesse Oblige

 Photo by JoAnn Sturman
Scott Sturman

Seeing her “deer in the headlights” expression as she advises the American public to support health care reform legislation before reading the details, makes one wonder if Nancy Pelosi envisions herself as a feudal queen caring for the needs of the peasants. No amount of sarcasm, criticism, or intellectual debate will change her mind. She is one of the wealthiest members of Congress and represents one of the safest Democratic seats in the United States - the 8th District of California which encompasses the San Francisco area. She has had no serious competition for her seat since initially elected in 1987 and typically garners 75% of the vote at election time. So secure is her position that she has not had to debate an opponent since her first race twenty-three years ago. She is bullet proof.

The “Blue Dog” Democrats, a group of fifty-four supposedly conservative leaning Democrats in the House of Representatives, formed an association in 1995 to enhance their clout. Theoretically, they tend to be more socially and financially conservative than their traditional Democratic colleagues, and many represent southern states. The largest financial supporter of the Blue Dog Political Action Committee is the health care industry.

Jim Costa, who represents California's 20th District, and Dennis Cardoza, who represents the state's 18th District, are vulnerable Blue Dog Democrats from the Central Valley. One has to question the label “Blue Dog” in their case. The title provides more political cover than an accurate description of their voting tendencies. Both could be more accurately described as “Pelosi's Dogs”. Cardoza has voted for Obama-Pelosi sponsored legislation 96% of the time compared to Costa's 93%. The only time they cannot be counted on to vote like Barney Frank or Maxine Waters is when legislation involves allocation of federal water to their intensively farmed congressional districts.

With her great wealth and uncontested power, it is a small matter for the 70 year old Pelosi to demand Cardoza and Costa take the fall. It is really quite painless. Drink the Kool-Aid, boys. There is no need to read the 2000 pages of proposed legislation. Just like the American people, they can take her word for it and find out what they voted for at a later date.


Yesterday the Catholic Health Association which represents Catholic Hospitals endorsed the Obama health care bill being debated in the House of Representatives. The executive director cited the legislation “isn't perfect” but represents a “major first step.” The message could not be more clear: pass anything even if it is deeply flawed. Imagine a housing contractor building an inferior building, a surgeon performing only half of a required operation, or a teacher telling the class a 50% grade is perfectly acceptable. As long as one makes an effort, the results are inconsequential.

In the larger perspective the issue is about the federalization of debt. States such as California which have not prudently managed their resources have a great deal to gain by having the federal government pay their Medicaid obligations. The losers are the states which have managed their finances wisely and will have to pay for California's ineptitude and, of course, the next generations who will have to pay for the massive amount of debt accrued by this latest spending spree.

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