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Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Company We Keep

Swing in Nepal - photo by JoAnn Sturman

Scott Sturman

Politicians are like unscrupulous tycoons bequeathing their fortunes on their death beds in order to widen the gates to Heaven . W.R. Priskna 1973

In April 2008 I received an Email from a friend who voiced concern about Michelle Obama's derogatory remarks about the United States and the “coincidence” that after her husband was elected Senator from Illinois, she landed a high paying job in a field where she had little experience. It provoked a response comparing what people say and what they do.

Dear Pete,

Thanks for your insight into Ms. Obama's financial success. I wonder if there are any more job openings in her company? I'll have my wife send her resume.

Ultimately, I wonder if Michelle Obama's remarks or conduct will have any influence on the election. The press is polarized to such an extent that the left will ignore all these uncomfortable facts, while the right will bombard us day and night with the slightest transgression. I remember Teresa Kerry as being one of the least endearing potential first ladies, but in the end all her haughtiness and disdain for the common folk made little impact on the election.

More troublesome is the Obama's relationship to Reverend Wright. I am aware Obama minimized the connection in a nationally televised address. However, under these circumstances he is free to say anything to cast himself in a more favorable light. It is better to pay attention to a man's actions than to what he says when found in a difficult situation.

Most of us join religious, professional, or social organizations, because we are comfortable with the group's message. If one desires to remain with the group but disagrees with its philosophy, then it is customary to make every effort to change the course of the institution. Membership is elective. For example, there is no compulsion to belong to a particular church. There are a variety of sectarian options available to fulfill the parishioners spiritual and social needs.

Listening to Reverend Wright rant and rave and spew his racist sermons, one wonders why Mr. Obama continued to worship at this church. Perhaps he is a discriminating adult who can discount the vitriol of an old friend, but why would he subject his two children to this hateful invective if he were not comfortable with Reverend Wright's message?

We find it abhorrent when radical Muslims or white supremacists preach hate and violence. What is different in this case? What reasonable person would continue to embrace such venom if he did not harbor similar feelings? Why would one willingly subject his children to this grotesque interpretation of morality?

What is one to believe? - a canned speech of a few minutes duration or years of complacent association with Reverend Wright?

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