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Monday, October 29, 2012

The Right Man for the Job

by Scott Sturman

Mitt Romney - FIYE's Choice on November 6, 2012

"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts." - John Locke

Many politicians will say anything and make unrealistic promises to be elected.  Clever, but confusing political adds and the deluge of statistics further complicate the process.  There are two ways to strip away the layers of confusion and make an informed choice:

The first is to learn which individuals and organizations support a candidate financially, by political endorsements and public statements, and through advertising in the media.  The candidates’ agendas may be difficult to apprehend but not their cheerleaders. 

George Santayana

The second is to take the advice of the Spanish philosopher George Santayana.  His words have become cliche, but this does not lessen their wisdom.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Words do not necessarily reflect a politician’s philosophy or agenda.  All too often they are used to obfuscate rather than elucidate.  The voter will gain a clearer picture of the candidate, if they look to the past.  Past associations and actions provide valuable clues about a candidate’s political orientation and often debunk skillful rhetoric.  If a candidate’s personal history is shrouded in secrecy, the voter should be wary.  It is one matter not to remember the past but quite another to be denied the opportunity to interpret it.  Relying solely on words is the fool’s path to governance.

This November 6th offers a choice between two men, whose philosophies and view of America could not be more different.  All the more important to assess historical performance, review past affiliations, and ask the question, “Do either of the candidates have anything to hide?”

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