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Saturday, March 17, 2012

PC at GB3

Tree Face at Tin Horn Ranch, California - photo by JoAnn Sturman

Scott Sturman

The New York media is oblivious to the information wars going on at a local gymnasium. The athletic facility, George Brown’s, also known as GB3, is a popular work out spot housed in a spacious building filled with weights and exercise machines. Suspended from the ceiling are banks of television screens which give clients three choices to distract them from the boredom of repetitive exercise: ABC, ESPN, and FOX or CNN depending on the day of the week.

Until last year FOX was the news channel of choice until a group of attorneys complained the information bias was just too much to take. As a compromise, the management declared FOX would air on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, while CNN got the nod on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Fair enough, but is the solution fair and balanced?

I had a rare two hour morning break from work on Tuesday, so it seemed an opportune time to get a work out finished early in the day. I jumped on the Stair Master and wasn’t particularly interested in listening to another of ESPN’s in depth reports on the New Orleans Saints’ bounty program or a sportscaster gushing about the wonderfulness of Albert Puljos making a quarter of a billion dollars to play baseball over the next ten years. There were two other options or levels of torture, depending on one’s point of view: CNN or ABC’s The View. CNN’s “slant” is legendary but at least its name identifies it as a news organization. Such is not the case with programs like The View where opinion and news are interchangeable.

With sweat pouring into by eyes and in need of some diversion, Barbara Walters’ blurry image sat immediately in front of me on the huge flatscreen. She and her fellow experts excoriated the Republicans and questioned their ability to handle Ahmadinejad as well as their savior, Saint Barrack I. Despite the gravity of the discussion, every time I see Barbara I remember her kiss and tell affair with a married man, Senator Edward Brooke, and how she chose to drag his family through agony years after the tryst occurred. One wonders about the Senator’s choice of pillow mates, but he is not the first politician to think with his loins. Rather than question Barbara’s motivation or morals, her colleagues praised her honesty and willingness to face the past. Weren’t they at all concerned that she cavorted with a Republican? Such are the benefits of being anointed one of America’s premier journalists. For most of us living in the hinterland, tights lips seem a more prudent alternative, but when one’s friends and employers hold the microphone the sinner becomes a saint.

When The View is airing, one best keep eyes downcast and let the sweat take its toll. This program and many like it represent the sure weight and pervasiveness of the Left’s hold on the American media. The message comes from all directions and under many names. Tell the story over and over again from a variety of angles, and the public eventually cannot separate fact from fiction. No wonder attorneys who flex their muscles at GB3 found nothing amiss with all ABC has to offer. Thanks to their vigilance, even the gym provides no sanctuary from Big Brother on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

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