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Monday, June 13, 2011

The Slippery Slope of Obama's Citizenship

Shoreline - photo by JoAnn Sturman
Scott Sturman

It might be a minor issue to the pundits who have lectured us not to be distracted by Obama’s questionable citizenship, but for those of us who have had to show a birth certificate to get a job, obtain a license, or join the military it is not too much to ask. After all, if the President is not a citizen, then all presidential acts and documents he has signed in an official capacity are illegal. This is not a mere technicality but an issue which strikes at the heart of the document which was intended to protect us from whim and abuse of power.

And now the Internet is alive again with an observation that the recently released official Obama birth certificate raises more questions than it answers. How can the President’s birth certificate have a social security number which is normally assigned to someone from Connecticut? Is Donald Trump the only American who can get to the bottom of this?

If history teaches lessons, then the only barrier between freedom and despotism is the Constitution. To elect a President who is possibly not a United States citizen violates an objective stipulation of the law of the land. If the Constitution can be ignored at such a fundamental level, then there is no portion of it which is immune. It is time for the FBI to ask probing questions and for Congress to open hearings, subpoena witnesses, secure documents and do whatever it takes to determine whether we really have a President or not.

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