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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Green Cop

Ribbon Falls in Grand Canyon - photo by JoAnn Sturman

Scott Sturman

Which one of these does not belong? a) Tuesday b) Wednesday c) Saturday d) four - question from the Wonderlic NFL rookie test given to players before signing day. The question was the source of great amusement and satire on the morning radio program, The Bob and Tom Show.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. Which of these does not belong? a) Trial lawyers b) Hollywood entertainers c) Environmentalists d) Cops

The obvious answer is d. Although this observation is stereotypical, cops are more likely to favor strict laws for dealing with criminals, more comfortable in a muscle car or SUV than a hybrid, tend to be no nonsense, down-to-earth types, pro military, and absolutely essential to society. Yet politically, they and their fellow public sector union employees are no less pillars of the Democratic Party. During every election cycle it makes one wonder about the dynamics of American politics when an environmental activist from Earth First! and the police unions endorse the same candidates.

Unlike other public sector employees, policemen and select firemen who fight fires in urban areas filled with warehouses and multi story buildings are indispensable for maintaining public safety. Their’s are dangerous, high risk jobs which merit competitive salaries. It is ludicrous to value their service and importance to society the same as easily replaceable public sector clerks whose most dangerous part of the day is driving to work. Just think of your last experience with someone from the DMV or U.S. Postal Service, if there was a problem.

In many third world countries the police force is ridden with graft and corruption. The officers are paid poorly and often extort payments from businesses or take bribes from the criminal elements to make a working living. When the under qualified, dishonest, and poorly educated become the mainstay of an inadequately compensated police force, the wolves watch the sheep. Paying the people in society who carry the guns and are sworn to protect us a substandard salary is asking for trouble.

A friend of mine’s nineteen years old son wants to be a California Highway Patrolman, not for public service, adventure, or salary but for the retirement benefits. When a teenager selects a career based on retirement benefits, something is very wrong with the system. Pay policemen and firemen well during their working years, but retirement benefits should be based on defined contribution 401K type plans which relieve the tax payer from the untenable burden of funding open ended defined benefits programs.

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