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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Linda Halderman - Sacramento Bound

La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain - under construction for 128 years - photo by JoAnn Sturman

Scott Sturman

There is a breath of fresh air in California's Central Valley. Dr. Linda Halderman is running for the California State Assembly. A newcomer to politics, she is conservative, articulate, and energetic. Her candidacy sparks enthusiasm from many of us in the area and prompted some thoughts regarding the political process.

In 1882 the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi began building the ornate and idiosyncratic cathedral La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain. One hundred twenty-eight years later construction continues with a completion date set for 2026, but this is Spain and of his client Gaudi stated that God “was not in a hurry.” When looking at the intricate structure, one cannot help but think how long it took to build and how quickly it could be destroyed. Freedom is no less delicate.

Tyranny, oppression, and slavery are the rule. The ancient Greeks experimented with democracy but could not sustain it. The Romans established a Senate of oligarchs but were ruled by an Emperor determined by consanguinity who was served by slaves. Yet every so often a unique event occurs which alters the way people are governed. In 1215 English nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta, the Great Charter of Freedom. For the first time the King was bound by law. Despite this seminal occasion, it was not until 1701, nearly 500 years later, that the Act of Settlement upheld the preeminence of Parliament. It had taken a half of a millennium, but never before in English history had the King served the people.

The span of recorded history is about 5000 years. The United States has been governed as a constitutional republic for less than 250 years – a mere 4% of the time in which there is some knowledge of how humans rule one another. It was an exceptional circumstance when a group of British colonists declared independence and affirmed citizens possessed three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To put is more prosaically, “It's your life. Go for it, but don't expect the government to come to your rescue if you fail.” Now this Jeffersonian ideal is heavily seasoned by the philosophy of equality of outcome rather than opportunity. Its foremost proponent, Karl Marx sardonically observed, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

Career politicians, the intermediary between the Constitution and the citizen, have widen and paved Marx's road. They are a thoroughly detestable lot of short sighted opportunists who thrive in a system based on seniority and connections rather than merit. The political process has degenerated to such a degree that is it virtually impossible to be elected to a prominent office unless one is backed by a powerful interest group, a political party, or the individual enjoys independent wealth or widespread notoriety.

Nothing will reverse this trend unless competent candidates who adhere to the tenets of the Constitution are elected to public office. In the Fresno, California area, Dr. Linda Halderman is one such candidate. An author of numerous articles and board certified surgeon, she defines the type of leader willing to confront the arrogance of the California State Legislature. This is her first foray into the political arena, and the goal is to win a seat in the California Assembly representing District 29. For all her talents, she is the first to concede that no outsider with little name recognition can win a contested seat without financial support. To date, however, she has defied the odds and is the current front runner, combining her vitality and considerable abilities to convey the conservative message.

Those of us in California's Central Valley and throughout the country should heed Dr. Halderman's example, become engaged in the process, and support candidates willing to barricade the road between socialism and democracy. It takes money, volunteers, and a clear message. Otherwise it is business as usual, while the progressive juggernaut accelerates downhill along an unimpeded corridor leading to their final objective.

An overview of Linda Halderman can be found on one of her web sites:

Roof top of Gaudi's Casa Batllo in Barcelona

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